Vanessa Fleming, years ago after the birth of my second child I kept bleeding and throwing clots long after my daughter was born. They took me in for a D&C, thinking I still had a bit of the placenta left inside of me. After my biopsy came back my doctor told me I had adenomyosis. I had no idea what that meant and he also put me on BC pills. I stayed on them for 2 months, I hated the side effects. I had break through bleeding because I stopped the pill mid-cycle.
I also had cramps so bad they would put me out of commission for a day or so and a more than once I became very faint too. I did pass out once in HS from the pain.
When I hit perimenopause, I had cramps 3 weeks out of 4. I felt like I was on my period during those times even though I wasn’t. I never sought help after I was diagnosed because my Dr. never appeared alarmed. Menopause was a welcome relief, with the exception of extreme hot flashes and weight gain. Thank you for sharing your story.