And, that is the point. Journalists are not on the job to report alt facts they are TOLD to report, they are there to inform the American People & the world about facts and by reporting facts, well… they aren’t always pretty. A good President or anyone who is in a Professional position understands this, like it or not and tries not to take it personal. If the American people are only receiving spoon fed news, that IS a form of brainwashing. IMPO that’s what many news ‘shows’ on Fox does and people don’t bother to go outside of their box to search for truths. It’s frightening, because they are finding a portion of Trumps base has become brainwashed.
People like Stalin, Chavez, and Mao’s China come to mind when you read this: In the not-too-distant past, being branded an ‘enemy of the people’ or ‘state’ in certain parts of the world was tantamount to a death sentence.
In the not-too-distant past, being branded an ‘enemy of the people’ or ‘state’ in certain parts of the world was tantamount to a death sentence.
I hope some people awaken from their walking comas and understand how important a Free Media is and how dangerous it also is to call the Press, “The enemy of the state.”
If a journalist is hurt or killed, Trump and his administration, including Sarah Huckabee will have blood on their hands. This is beyond words.